- The codes and conventions of long form TV drama are episodes that are up to 40-60 minutes long. There are usually 8-25 episodes in one season. They will most likely be dramatic narrative story lines. Each character usually has their own story line. They usually have expressive lighting techniques dependent on sub genre. They usually have exaggerated, hyper real representations of characters- cultural stereotyping for entertainment values.
2. How similar or different are the formal conventions used in Stranger Things?
- The main conventions that appear in Stranger Things is the soundtrack, it is usually usually slow and quite eerie which can made through the use of classical instruments or a synthesiser. Long shots are used to show the audience the setting which is usually quite an isolated atmosphere. Close-ups are not used as often because they convey emotions of the character, the close-ups will usually be of objects, not people, to show their significance to the story line. The setting in the show is usually dark as it creates a feeling of terror of the character, which the audience can sympathise with and feel the tension it causes. Also, the weather is usually stormy or raining, like when they first found Eleven. Jump cuts are very common, as they change shots very quickly which creates tension. When these type of shots are edited together, it causes he audience to feel confused which leads to them being scared at he necessary time. The sci-i conventions is very futuristic even though it is set in the 80's and it has a parallel universe or even a different dimension. There is a invasion from extra-terrestrial beings. Sci-fi is used to make the audience believe in the images they see on screen an they use quite familiar elements of technology to help the audience make that connection between fiction and reality.
3. How does the first episode start and finish?
- In the lower levels of Hawkins National Laboratory, a scientist in a white lab coat runs down a dark hallway, frantically looking back behind him and trying to operate the elevator. When the elevator doors finally open, the man enters and feels like he safe, but then we hear a growl coming from above him, which is a diegetic sound as the audience and the scientist can both hear it. Terror fills the man's face, his eyes widened. As the elevator doors close, he is violently pulled upwards.
- While there is a search party for Will, his friends go out to look for him as well. There is hesitation of whether they should carry but they decide to carry on moving. While they are moving, they hear rustling in the bushes thinking that it is Will. But they end up finding a girl who is soaking wet and who looks afraid.
pushing buttons and looking
Please ensure that these questions are finished. A very good start with lots of detail, try to include some theory to support your analysis such as: Todorov's narrative structure for example.